Tuesday, April 20, 2010

tarot cards.

what an eventful day...

let me first say...good bbq does not exist in the north and i was thoroughly disappointed when i ordered a bbq sandwich and out came a chicken breast with bbq sauce on it on a crappy untoasted bun.


second. i have an interview tomorrow...pray for me please.

third. my sister lauren found out she's having twin boysss...yay!! they will be such studs :)


i got a palm reading tonight. i have never gotten one before and it's one of those things i've always been curious about but never took the initiative or found the time to do it. my friend and i were just driving around though and i saw it on the side of the road....

so we went haha..

this was what i remember of the reading...she talked really fast though and it was a little overwhelming getting all of this information in such a short time, so if the thoughts are a little jumbled, just consider the source (in the words of my aunt...haha i love her):

she told me i am blessed by God...that i have a lot of good things that happen to me, but along with the good, there is always something bad that happens that puts a damper on things. she said i have a good heart, compassionate. she said i am confused...not sure where to go. she said i want to get out and travel and see the world, but financially it isn't an option to do what i want to do right now, but she said eventually i would. also said i would eventually be successful, not necessarily financially, but that i would eventually be content with what i was doing. this was also interesting...she said there are men in my life that have feelings for me, but that i don't have mutual feelings towards them. she said i have already met my soul mate, but he has yet to share his feelings with me. and according to her, i am meant to be a mother of 2, a girl and a boy...


that's all i can say about that.


  1. First, I'm sorry about the BBQ, that is really sad. Second, TWINS!!!! Wow! That's awesome. Third, that is so interesting that she said you have already met your soulmate. I wonder who it is?

  2. That is just strange.....congratulations to your sister by the way. :)

  3. ashley- haha i know right? it's probably bologna but who knows...i'm in no rush to find out though! :) and oh my gosh...you have no idea how disappointed my face looked when she laid that sandwich in front of me. i wanted to cry!!

    kev- thanks :)
