Friday, April 2, 2010

feng shui.

well...i don't know about you, whoever you may be...but i didn't know what feng shui really meant until this evening. i knew it had something to do with energy, but that's about it.

you know those people you meet that just have that captivating presence about them? the kind of presence that makes you want nothing more than just to be around them all the time...those people make me so happy :)

i love people.

so yes...feng shui. feng...means "wind." shui means "earth." basically, using the 5 elements...wood, water, fire, earth, and metal, you can create harmony around you. and that means pretty much anything. i don't know if i necessarily believe it works haha, but it's still interesting nonetheless.

according to feng shui...i'm a horse, meaning that i'm constantly on the a lot, energetic, likes space, loyal to friends, sometimes has trouble sustaining relationships because of constantly being on the move (ha), has a need for independence and freedom, and a scintillating presence.

weird. some of those are dead on.

had an awesome night tonight. i love hanging out with older people. they are so wise and have so much to say...but about things that actually matter, not trivial things that you could care less about.

cream soda...mmm


  1. Do you realize that you are completely random? Made me laugh. Great blog.

  2. i've been told. basically whatever comes to mind, i type it. then i read it...and i wonder if my thoughts make sense to the rest of the world haha. probably not.

    if you think this is should read my poetry. oh dear..
