Monday, April 19, 2010

dog attack.

so John Mayer and i have a love-hate relationship. i go through phases of liking him...putting him on the back-burner, then liking him again. currently i'm liking him. "Why Georgia" this song.

makes me want a road trip.

imagine going for a run in a cute little colonial town with your ipod of course on a nice sunny morning and you get distracted by this pretty bench in the sun. so you sit and rest for a minute...and "Lead Me to the Cross" by Hillsong comes on.

it was pretty much a perfect moment. highlight of my day for sure.

my devo this morning was about patience...which i need to acquire more of. point taken.

so...after i did some costuming work for this other show i've been working on, i saw this woman on the side of the road by my house laying on the sidewalk with a dog and a bunch of people around. i walked over there to see if she was okay...turns out some crazy dog attacked her and her dog.


she was totally shaken up too...wish there was something i could've done for her :/

then the police showed up and i was outta there haha...i've had enough painful memories with them. 50 hours of community service is enough for me. thank you 2 traffic tickets in one day...ugh.

this is when i am thrilled to not have a vehicle.

food for thought:

"if you aren't thinking about heaven at least once a day, what are you thinking about?"

i heard that in a sermon and i didn't really think much about it when i heard it at the time...but for some reason it stuck with me. we are supposed to be excited about heaven and spending eternity with our maker! sometimes i get so one track minded...just getting caught up in my own life, not necessarily looking at the big picture. heaven is exciting to think about though...

i can't wait. :)

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