Sunday, April 18, 2010

solar panelled keychain.

live theatre is pretty amazing.

saw 3 different shows at hollywood and the vine theatre tonight. such compelling performances...and i could definitely relate to the last show.

someone gave me a solar panelled keychain from florida with my name on it flashes my name.'s up there with one of the most random gifts i've ever gotten. along with the apples and clothes hangers that my grandma DD got me...

grandmas are the best :)

i just saw a picture of sushi and now i'm craving it...ahhh. i love sushi.

why do people rush? i mean i understand young teenagers...they're pretty naive and don't know what they're getting into, so they just follow their hearts, not thinking with their heads so much and the long term affects. but come on...we are adults here. i understand that people want companionship, that's normal. God created us that way.

The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." Genesis 2:18...straight from the horses mouth ladies and gents.

so yes. i get it. but WHY RUSH? why not spend a few years together becoming best friends, having endless adventures, getting to know every fault of one another, and love them despite..

the answer: who knows. love is a strange thing. God's timing is perfect though, and if he is the center of the relationship...then timing should not matter. so basically...i'm just ranting.

i slept until 1:00pm today...ridiculous.

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