Friday, April 9, 2010


soft and broken
she whispers, he grins

i feel like such an old person when i talk about the weather...haha but it's funny how it affects you right? like your whole day can change.

and i sound old school by saying this too, but letters are probably one of my favorite things ever. they are so personal. they take time and thought and feeling. you can grasp it and read it again and remember exactly what was going on in your life when you got that letter. it's a piece of history.

don't judge me. :)

A letter to Claire:

You have yet to enter the world, but I'm sure when you do tomorrow, it will be a much better place because you are in it. By the the time you are able to read this, you will have already blossomed into a beautiful child of God. (but you would have been beautiful regardless with your mother and father's good looks :) A few things to remember while growing up in what seems like a very harsh world...listen to that mother and father of yours, they have your best interest at heart, even if it may not always seem that way. When making friends, find ones who encourage you and love you for who you are. Don't conform to anyone else's standards, but the Lords. It is okay to be an individual, remember that. Be sweet to those brothers of yours, they are protective of you because they love you...don't ever forget that. When given an opportunity, seize it! You can accomplish anything you want to. There's one more thing...guard that precious heart of yours. It is a sacred thing and should be handled with the utmost love and care.

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. -Proverbs 31:30

I can't wait to meet you! Love you already!

Auntie Anna Kathryn :)

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