Friday, June 4, 2010

52 blogs. geeze.

i can't believe you people aren't sick of me yet haha..

days off are definitely gifts from God. i am convinced of this.

went swing dancing on friday night! this was the first time i've gotten to go in almost a month now...i've missed it so much. turns out that 70 year old men OWN swing dancing. this little old man named john with thick rimmed black glasses asked me to dance (i'm thinking to myself..."i'll go easy on him"). turns out he showed up everyone on that dance floor!! haha it was amazing.

then the really crazy part was the fact that i saw john the next day running around the middle of the city (mind you...the place we swing danced at was like 20 min outside of the city) and HE RECOGNIZED ME!! this is the first time i've ever had a second encounter with anyone at swing dancing...outside of the dance hall of course. it pretty much made my day...he even remembered my name! lol and all these young people around were of course looking at me like i was a crazy person for knowing this guy.

who cares. it was amazing.

going for a run in the middle of a hot summer day is a terrible idea.

french people are very cool. emphasis on the word cool...they have this kind of slinky presence about them, everything is chill, they have this kind of effortless style...and idunno, they are just interesting people to be around.

i need to be productive off i go.

i love summertime in Boston. :)

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