Wednesday, March 10, 2010


well. first...let me say to whoever might be reading this...prepare to be entertained.

let us start with today.

fact. i wasn't supposed to work today...considering it's my day off, but i got called to go in. awesome. mind takes me 2 hours to get to work, so i had to catch the 9:00am train. i go into work...and it is complete insanity. i told my boss i had to leave by 6:00pm, so i could make it to my 7:00pm dance class across town on time...didn't get to leave until 6:20pm. so obviously i was gonna be late...i hop on the train to go to the class anyways. as i'm cramming food down my throat and trying to get ready for the class, i realize that i got on the wrong train.


by the time i get on the right is now 7:00pm. so at this point...i realize i would be 45ish minutes late for this class, and it would be pointless for me to go. i then remember about this free dancing thing at i hop another train to go to this thing. i got off at the stop for MIT...and it's about a mile walk to the student center where the dancing was happenening. the thing starts at 7:30pm, so i'm like running there (in the freezing) trying to get there on time. i finally make it there, go upstairs to where the dancing is supposed to be...and what do you know? they canceled the dancing thing for a stand up comedy show.

ironic??? i think not.

i thought seriously about staying and trying to get out of the horrible mood i was in, but i was not feeling humorous in the slightest. so i leave this place...walk another mile back to the train, trying to hurry so i could make the 8:20pm train home. i end up missing the train by 2 minutes and the next train wasn't until 10:30pm.

no. i'm not kidding you.

so...2 hours of piddling around the train station later...i finally get on the train home. i then realize right before i get to my train stop that i left my house key in my bedroom...which meant i had to wake up my roommates to open the door.

splendid way to end a glorious day.

the end.

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